If you’re a songwriter, trying to write your next song or your first song, but can’t seem to make anything happen, then this article is for you! We’ll show you the easiest way to write a song.
Do you want to write a song without having to learn music theory? You’re in luck!
In the video below, I share the easiest way to write a song.
It consists of three easy steps and it makes writing songs so easy that even non musicians can do it.
If you’re looking for an easier way to write a song, this video is for you!
WRITE YOUR FIRST SONG (in 3 easy steps)
How to write a good song?
Let’s talk about what exactly makes a good song, and what does it take to be successful as a songwriter?
To be good at anything, we have to do it a lot. Songwriting is no different. Write a lot of songs!
Once you get into the flow of being a songwriter you’re going to want your music heard by other people.
Maybe, eventually, sell-out concerts or have millions of streams online.
So, why not start with writing songs that will easily catch on with the listener’s ears?
The key is in understanding how we react emotionally and psychologically when listening.
That’s to say, the most important thing about creating music is making sure you are focusing on emotion and you can get that across to the listener clearly.
How to start to write a song?
First off, take some time to do some creative work. Find a place where you can be on your own.
We want to be able to make mistakes and sound bad without anyone judging us, or giving us that look. You know the one!
This is important because when we feel judged our brains can’t get into a free, open creative state.
Second, find something that inspires you- whether it be an emotion or just random words like “love” and “hate”.
This will help with creativity and stimulate ideas of what the lyrics should be about as well as how they should sound.
Next, Start simple, write a verse/ chorus song. Aim for a simple structure.
Verse, chorus, verse, chorus, chorus.
See, when it’s laid out like that you can see it’s not so overwhelming. It also shows you something else.
Songs are short! Even long songs happen pretty quickly. A big part of songwriting is learning how to say a lot about a little.
How to write a simple song
The easiest way to write a simple song is by using tried and tested chord progressions.
These are easy to find. Just google ‘song title’ chords.
Chord progressions create an emotional experience. This is important when we want to say a lot with little time.
When you get more experienced as a songwriter, you may want to use more complex chords.
But when you are starting out it’s best to use popular chord progression.
Because they work, they have been tested for you and you will learn lots about how to create a mood or an emotion with a chord progression.
One of the best resources for finding popular chord progressions is hooktheory.com
This is especially useful if you don’t play an instrument…
To write great songs you first have to learn to write ‘a song’.
So, don’t be afraid to write bad songs, because when you first start most of what you write will be bad.
And that’s a good thing. In Fact, it’s not just a good thing, it’s necessary and essential.
Because even when you get to the point where you can write good songs, a lot of what you write will still be below your standards.
So start playing some chords. Let the music paint pictures and describe the pictures.
Don’t worry about forming perfect lyrics at the beginning, just keep going and don’t break the flow.
the most common way to start a song
Lyric writing techniques
The easiest way to write song lyrics is to find an idea or emotion that you want to express, and then try telling the story, or describe the situation that made you feel that way.
There are many methods for storytelling, but all stories have some things in common:
(1) they start with a problem;
(2) they build up suspense until the climax; and
(3) they show what happened as a result of this event.
Let’s use one example: You’re feeling lonely because your friend was just mean to you. Here’s how you might tell that story:
“I felt really sad when my best friend told me I wasn’t worth her time.” “I tried not being mad at first so she wouldn’t notice,” “but when she said I was basic it really cut deep”
Now you can divide that idea up with your simple song structure from before…
Verse 1
“I felt really sad when my best friend told me I wasn’t worth her time.”
“but when she said I was basic it really cut deep”
Verse 2
“I tried not being mad at first so she wouldn’t notice,”
“But when she said I was basic it really cut deep”
Then you need to flesh out that idea. The video below can help with that…
how to structure lyrics
Five steps to writing a song
Song ideas are everywhere. You just have to get in the habit of turning on your “songwriter switch”.
Whether it’s a catchy beat that you can’t get out of your head or the words to a song on the radio, music is something we all have in our lives.
It’s no surprise then that so many people want to create their own songs and perform them for others.
Unfortunately, not everyone has the musical talent to do this so they may need some help along the way.
Luckily there are plenty of ways that you can write a song without having any musical experience whatsoever! The easiest way to start writing a song is by following these steps:
- Focus on the emotion
- Find a title
- Get some chords and melody
- Let the music and the title tell you its story
- Paint word pictures to the music Download your free lyric writing cheat sheet and go from no idea to a finished song in ten steps.
With the help of this post and our free lyric writing cheat sheet download, you’ll be able to craft an amazing tune without any stress or worry.
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