Song idea generator

Need a song lyric idea? use The Song Idea Generator.

One of the most difficult parts about being a songwriter is coming up with new ideas for songs.

When you’re stuck in that “I’ve got nothing” feeling, it can be hard to know where to look next for a topic to write song lyrics.

That’s why I built the free song lyric idea generator…

How do you come up with songwriting ideas?

Using the lyric idea generator is easy. Just hit Randomize and a new song Synopsis will appear.

The synopsis is made of the three fundamental ingredients for a new song idea.

The Theme is the song’s topic. For example…’ moving on from a previous relationship’.

Emotion is how you feel about the topic. For example…’ devastated’.

Attitude, This is what you think about it…’ confusing’.

How to make a song lyrics

The next step is crucial when using your new song synopsis. 

You have to make a personal connection to the song idea.

Take a few minutes to think about a personal experience that you can relate to the synopsis.

Does it remind you of a time in your life when something similar happened?

If not in your life, then what about someone you know?

Looking at your past experiences through the lens of this synopsis can be a great way to find “emotional juice” in situations you would not have considered worth writing a song about before.

Here are 9 questions to help you make that personal connection.

  1. Who is singing and who or what are they singing to/about?
  2. What situation are you in?
  3. Why are you in this situation?
  4. When and where is it happening?
  5. Why is this situation notable?
  6. What problem does this situation cause?
  7. What emotion does this problem create?
  8. Why does it matter?
  9. What do you want or What are you going to do about it?

I hope you enjoy all the song ideas that come from the song idea generator.

The song idea generator tool is one of the newest additions to the site.

This small, yet powerful tool has introduced new ways for me to get the creative juices flowing and come up with song topic ideas.

I’m hoping it will do the same for you.

So, whether you’re looking for lyrics or just inspiration, this handy app can help you write songs uniquely your own.

Download the free lyric writing cheat sheet (above) and check out more songwriting tools on my youtube channel .

The videos are meant to break down the songwriting process into easy to use tips, techniques, and tools that spark creativity and help you apply them like the pros.

I do my best to make videos that share the ‘secrets’ of writing great songs without holding anything back.

My main focus is to pass on the tools of the trade that I have learned and found to make a big difference to my creative flow and songwriting.

There is an old saying that goes “everybody has one great song in them”, I hope to show you that once you know what makes a song great, you can apply it to all the songs you write.

Start from the heart, follow your gut, and revise with your mind.