Universal Themes in Songwriting


Ever wonder why your favorite song lyrics seem to speak to something that we all feel?

The answer is because great songwriters know how to use universal common themes as a way of identifying and connecting with their listeners.

Let’s have a look at some Universal themes in songwriting…

What are universal themes in songwriting?

A universal theme is a topic expressed in a song.

It’s what the song is about in a broad sense.

Songwriting themes can vary from song to song and from artist to artist.

However, there are also some universal themes such as love, celebration, overcoming adversity, and heartbreak.

Universal themes in songs connect us to one another regardless of where they were created or who wrote them.

How to decide what to write a song about.

A songwriter has to ask themselves what kind of song they want to write.

This is not an easy question to answer, but it will help them know what kind of song they should write.

Songwriters often use universal themes in their songs.

This includes love, money, and the pleasures of life.

To decide what to write a song about, it’s best to start with a universal theme.

The next step is to relate it to your own personal experiences.

This will allow the song to connect with the widest audience possible.

Themes are fairly broad categories of subjects that can be used for inspiration when writing songs.

What are the most common song topics?


Some of the most common song topics are love, breakups, and dating.

There are also songs that talk about what life has been like for the artist and what they want to say to their listeners.

here is a list of common universal themes in songwriting…


  •  Falling in love,
  •  Celebrating love,
  •  Wishing for a better relationship,
  •  Mourning the loss of love, 
  •  Addressing an ex-lover,
  • Standing up for yourself and at the end of a relationship,
  • Heart break
  • Falling out of love,  
  • Sick of love, 
  • Needing love, 
  • Being in love,
  • Breakup
  • Regret
  • Uncertainty
  • Longing

Life & Self

  • Growing up,
  • Becoming independent,
  • Rebelling,
  • Partying,
  • Discovering who you are,
  • Overcoming obstacles,
  • Meeting challenges.
  • Coming of Age,
  • Aspiring for a better life, 
  • Wanting inspiration, 
  • Hooking up, 
  • Dancing, 
  • Spirituality,
  • unexpected things can happen
  • Past
  • Present
  • Future
  • Changing
  • Winning
  • Loss

Family & Friendships

  • Family ties,
  • Celebrations,
  • Conflicts,
  • Friendship
  • Separation
  • Anniversaries
  • Children
  • Parents
  • Memories


  • Righting wrongs,
  • Crossing cultural barriers,
  • Alienation,
  • Unity,
  • War,
  • Social protest,
  • Religion,
  • Disillusionment,
  • Feeling alienated, 
  • Death,
  • Feminism,
  • Gender Politics,
  • Breaking the law,
  • Race,
  • Economics,
  • Disease,
  • Education
  • Mental Health
  • Depression
  • Music and Song
  • Travel


Song ideas

We all love to listen to music. The lyrics of the song, the tempo, the instruments used in it – everything is important in order to create a perfect song.

The universal themes are one of the most important aspects of creating a good song.

These themes are what make people feel connected with your music and also gives them an idea of what you are trying to convey.

There are many universal themes that have been used for centuries to make good songs, but there is no one theme that can be considered as being better than others because each theme has its own pros and cons.

Universal themes are so much more than just melodies or lyrics.

They are an integral part of the music-making process because, without them, there would be no connection between the artist and his/her audience.

why not try out our Lyric idea generator to start practicing with universal themes.


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