Welcome to the
Chop Shop.
Hey there… I’m Tony and I help new songwriters add craft to inspiration to their songwriting with songwriting techniques.
I wrote my first song in 1990… So I’ve been at this for a while.
In 2019 I started publishing youtube videos teaching everything that I’ve learned in the 30 years I’ve been writing songs, for free…
Here’s what a few people who I’ve helped improve their songwriting have to say:

In addition to the YouTube videos… I work hard to publish the same valuable “how-to” songwriting content here on the blog, too.
You can get the full story about my 30-year adventure in this world of songwriting and music through my about page
The short version is that I’m a recovering “songwriting with just inspiration” guy who tried and failed to get that magical record deal in my early 20s.
I wrote my first song at the age of fourteen and I still love writing, to this day!
What I teach here on my blog is based on the experiences and skills I’ve gained from learning the hard way…A lot of songwriting is technical
But don’t let that put you off. I was a hard-core “you can’t teach songwriting” type for a long time. And to be honest, it held me back for way too long. Technical doesn’t mean academic. Songwriting is a creative art and creativity can only thrive in passion and enthusiasm.
The most important thing I want you to keep in mind is that this all came the hard way.
In the beginning I had no real music or writing skills… I didn’t study music in college…
Why would I when songwriting is a gift from the muses, right? You just channel that stuff, like the pros!
Inspiration and creativity was never a problem to me. I was destined to be a legend and all I had to do was show up, form a band, and make a demo.
And, with rejections from every record label in Ireland I had no idea why they didn’t get it.
Well it turns out that inspiration and self belief are a good start but will let you down eventually.
And I can tell you truthfully..
This hard truth was the most enlightening realization of my life…
I had, and still have, a burning desire to write great songs. Not just great songs but songs that really express my emotions. To take those feelings deep inside and make them sing.
The path was long and challenging and I could never find anyone to help… Beyond the usual vague advice “write what you know” and “write from the heart”.
Well I couldn’t accept that my emotions were not as valuable as someone with a record deal. I was pouring my heart into my songs and my emotions. So why weren’t they working the way I wanted? What was missing?
Technique! Inspiration on it’s own can only take you so far. Technique on it’s own can only take you so far. Together they can express those emotions in a way that can connect with an audience.
This is my mission with SonWriters Chop Shop. To share the things about songwriting that I wish I had known when I was starting out.
Today, my number one goal is to teach all of the techniques that most songwriting coaches sell you, for free… Because I’m tired of the overpriced info products sold through overhyped webinars.
I’ve analyzed hundreds of songs to figure out how they work and how to apply those same techniques in a way that expresses what I need them to…
I’m an artist and I have no interest in being a sales man. I’m not trying to ‘sell you’ how to be the best songwriter you can be.